About me

Hello my name is Lisa Cope DHP

I am a qualified Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapist. My interest in hypnotherapy increased after I suffered a serious life threatening illness coupled with CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome). Where other complementary therapies failed me. I found that hypnotherapy gave me what I needed to live life to the fullest. After my first session I was hooked, I felt amazing and alive, but more importantly I felt like me! It was then I decided I wanted to help other people who have also experienced stress and anxiety due to a serious life threatening illness.

I was very fortunate to be able to train at the Essex Institute of Clinical Hypnosis and Psychotherapy, under the guidance of Terence Watts. The Essex Institute is one of the very few schools of hypnotherapy that has the true legal right to term itself an ‘Institute’, after approval by the UK Government.

I have also successfully undertaken other courses at the Essex Institute including Psychosexual Dysfunction Certification and BrainWorking Recursive Therapy (BWRT®) Level 1 and 2 (Advanced). This is an amazing therapy that is carried out in a completely conscious state, as I recognise that hypnotherapy isn’t everyone’s ‘cup of tea’.

contact me to find out more

BWRT® stops troubling thoughts in their tracks and when your problem is resolved it stays resolved.

Business, relationships, sex, exams or anything where you need to give your best, BWRT® can be effectively employed.

BWRT® is an immensely powerful style of working that can dissolve problems almost instantaneously.

Often, a single session is sufficient to resolve your problems. It's rare for there to be a need for more than 4 sessions.

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